Citing Chinese Sources
Citing Chinese Sources
- Romanization of Chinese language (Rule 20.2.4)
- For citation to Chinese language sources always provide the Pinyin romanization.
- Whenever possible, provide Chinese characters for authors, titles, and case names.
- When citing a Chinese author or editor’s name, regardless of the jurisdiction or place of publication, give the full name in the order it appears on the document. Citing Chinese personal names in case citations follows a different rule.
- Chinese language sources
- Transcribe authors and editors of Chinese text in Pinyin, joining multiple syllables of surnames and/or forenames without hyphens or commas.
- Zhang Mingkai (张明楷), Xing Fa Xue (刑法学) (2021)
- Transcribe authors and editors of Chinese text in Pinyin, joining multiple syllables of surnames and/or forenames without hyphens or commas.
- English language sources: if a paper is published in English by Chinese authors or editors, transcribe the full name in the order and with the spelling in which it appears on the document.
Citing Chinese Cases
- Format:
- <romanized Chinese case name> (<Chinese case name>) [<English translation of case name>], <source> (<court abbreviation> <date of decision>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>)
- Zheng Shiqi Su Sanxing Caichan Baoxian (Zhongguo) Youxian Gongsi (郑诗琦诉三星财产保险(中国)有限公司) [Zheng Shiqi v. Samsung Property & Casualty Insurance Company (China), Ltd.], 5 Sup. People’s Ct. Gaz. (Sup. People’s Ct. 2022) (China)
- Cite to these sources, if available:
Zuigao Renmin Fayuan Gongbao (Supreme People’s Court Gazette) |
Sup. People’s Ct. Gaz.
Zuigao Renmin Jianchayuan Gongbao (Supreme People’s Procuratorate Communique) |
Sup. People’s Proc. Communique |
Renmin Fayuan Anli Xuan (Selected Cases from the People’s Courts) |
Renmin Fayuan Anli Xuan |
Zuigao Renmin Fayuan Zhidao Anli (Supreme People’s Court Guiding Case) |
Sup. People’s Ct. Guiding Case |
Citing Chinese Constitution
- Format:
- Xianfa <article>, <section> (<year>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>)
- Xianfa art. 3 (1982) (China)
Citing Chinese Laws
- Format:
- <romanized Chinese law name> (<Chinese law name>) [<English translation of law name or shortened name>] (promulgated by <enacting/adopting authority>, <promulgation date>, effective <effective date>) <volume number> <source> <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
- Mingfa Dian (民法典) [Civil Code] (promulgated by the Standing Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong., May 28, 2020, effective Jan. 1, 2021) 2020 Standing Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong. Gaz. 2 (China)
- Cite to these sources, if available:
Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui Changwu Weiyuanhui Gongbao | Standing Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong. Gaz. |
Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Falü Huibian (compiled by NPC Legislative Commission) | Falü Huibian |
Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Fagui Huibian (compiled by State Council Legislative Office) | Fagui Huibian |
Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Xin Fagui Huibian (compiled by State Council Legislative Office) | Xin Fagui Huibian |
Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Fadian | Fadian |
Laws of the People’s Republic of China (compiled by NPC Standing Committee Legislative Affairs Commission, in English) | P.R.C. Laws |
- If not available, cite to a source published or compiled by the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, a government agency, or a court.
Citing Chinese Rules and Regulations
- Format:
- <romanized Chinese regulation or rule name> (<Chinese regulation or rule name>) [<English translation of regulation or rule name or shortened name>] (promulgated by <enacting/adopting authority>, <promulgation date>, effective <effective date>) <source>, <publication date>, at <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>)
- You can also provide a link to the rules/regulation
- Zhengjuan Jiaoyisuo Guanli Banfa (证劵交易所管理办法) [Measures for the Administration of Stock Exchanges] (promulgated by the China Securities Regulatory Comm’n., Oct. 28, 2021, effective Oct. 28, 2021) St. Council Gaz. Jan. 30, 2022, at http://www.gov.cn/gongbao/content/2022/content_5671118.htm.
- Cite to these sources, if available:
Guowuyuan Gongbao | St. Council Gaz. |
Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Fagui Huibian (compiled by State Council Legislative Office) | Fagui Huibian |
Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Xin Fagui Huibian (compiled by State Council Legislative Office) | Xin Fagui Huibian |
- If not available, cite to a source published or compiled by the NPC Standing Committee Legislative Affairs Commission, State Council Legislative Office, a government agency, or a court (including government or court websites).
Citing Chinese Judicial Interpretations
- Format:
- <romanized Chinese judicial interpretation name and number> (<Chinese judicial interpretation name and number>) [<English translation of judicial interpretation name or shortened name and number>] (promulgated by <enacting/adopting authority>, <promulgation date>, effective <effective date>) <source>, <publication date>, at <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
- You can also provide a link to the Judicial Interpretation
- Zuigao Renmin Fayuan Guanyu Shiyong <Zhonghua Renming Gongheguo Fan Buzhengda Jingzheng Fa> Ruogan Wenti De Jieshi, Fashi [2022] Jiu Hao (最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》若干问题的解释,法释【2022】9号) [Interpretation on Application of <Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China>, Judicial Interpretation No. 9 [2022]] (promulgated by the Judicial Comm’n. Sup. People’s Ct., Jan. 29, 2022, effective Mar. 20, 2022) Sup. People’s Ct. Gaz., Mar. 16, 2022, http://gongbao.court.gov.cn/Details/1f66c5b4e27a98a98e85265bf06167.html (China).
- Cite to these sources, if available:
Zuigao Renmin Fayuan Gongbao (Supreme People’s Court Gazette) |
Sup. People’s Ct. Gaz. |
Zuigao Renmin Jianchayuan Gongbao (Supreme People’s Procuratorate Gazette) |
Sup. People’s Proc. Gaz. |