Textbooks & Course Materials
These are the selected textbooks and course materials that might be helpful to your study and research. Additionally, there are some other eBooks for extracurricular reading. The complete e-resource list is organized alphabetically so that you can view the resources by clicking the letters, while the resources for 1Ls will be listed individually.
- Federal Courts in ContextBy: Erwin Chemerinsky;Seth Davis;Fred O. Smith;Norman W. SpauldingEISBN: 9781543850321
- Criminal Law and Its Processes : Cases and Materials [Connected EBook with Study Center]By: Sanford H. Kadish;Stephen J. Schulhofer;Rachel E. BarkowEISBN: 9781543810776Publisher: Aspen Casebook SeriesSubject: Criminal Law
- Transnational Legal Ordering and State ChangeBy: Gregory C. ShafferEISBN: 9781139848268Publisher: Cambridge University PressSubject: Politics and International Relations
- Data Driven : Truckers, Technology, and the New Workplace SurveillanceBy: Karen LevyEISBN: 9780691241012Publisher: Princeton University PressSubject: Business & Industry
- Guardrails : Guiding Human Decisions in the Age of AIBy: Urs Gasser;Viktor Mayer-SchönbergerEISBN: 9780691256351Publisher: Princeton University Press
The Law of TracingBy: Smith, Lionel D.EISBN: 9780191587030Publisher: Clarendon Press
The EU, the WTO and ChinaBy: Francis SnyderEISBN: 9781847315991Publisher: Hart Publishing
Remnants of Ch'in law : an annotated translation of the Ch'in legal and administrative rules of the 3rd century B.C.By: A.F.P. HULSEWEEISBN: 9789004490994Publisher: Brill
Textbooks for 1Ls