Resources for 1L

Resources for 1Ls
Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization
商业组织法案例及评述By: Allen, William T.;Kraakman, ReinierEISBN: 9781454876502Publisher: Aspen -
Criminal Law and its Processes: Cases and Materials刑法及其程序:案例与材料By: Kadish, Sanford H.;Schulhofer, Stephen J.;Barkow, Rachel E.EISBN: 9781454886259Publisher: Aspen
Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing
法律推理和法律写作By: Neumann Jr., Richard K.;Margolis, Ellie;Stanchi, Kathryn M.EISBN: 9781543810851Publisher: Aspen -
Legal Reasoning, Research, and Writing for International Graduate Students
国际研究生的法律推理,研究和写作By: Nedzel, Nadia E.EISBN: 9781543810844Publisher: Aspen -
Constitutional Law : Cases in Context 宪法:背景下的案例By: Barnett, Randy E.;Blackman, JoshEISBN: 9781454892885
Legal Writing : Process, Analysis, and Organization
法律写作过程,分析与组织By: Edwards, Linda H.EISBN: 9781454895916Publisher: Aspen -
Cases and Materials on Torts
侵权案件和材料By: Epstein, Richard A.;Sharkey, Catherine M.EISBN: 9781543804454 -
Legal Writing for Legal Readers : Predictive Writing for First-Year Students
法律读者的法律写作By: Beazley, Mary Beth;Smith, MonteEISBN: 9781543804836Publisher: Aspen