Textbooks & Course Materials
These are the selected textbooks and course materials that might be helpful to your study and research. Additionally, there are some other eBooks for extracurricular reading. The complete e-resource list is organized alphabetically so that you can view the resources by clicking the letters, while the resources for 1Ls will be listed individually.
- 大国转型中的法官管理 : 信息、激励与制度变迁 = The judge management in the transform of China : information, incentive, and institutional change/ 艾佳慧著By: 艾佳慧著Call Number: D926.2/125ISBN: 978-7-301-33422-5Publisher: 北京:北京大学出版社 ,2023
- 律师实战心理学 : 律师的职业智慧宝典/李颖珺著By: 李颖珺Call Number: D916.5-05/3ISBN: 978-7-5216-3067-1Publisher: 北京:中国法制出版社
人民法庭实用手册(2023年版)By: 人民法院出版社Call Number: D920.9/58(2023)ISBN: 9787510937637Publisher: 北京:人民法院出版社 ,2023
数字时代的社会法By: 佟丽华Call Number: D922.504/245ISBN: 9787521630206Publisher: 北京:中国法制出版社 ,2023
法律视野下的性别、婚姻与家庭By: 段知壮、黄彤Call Number: D923.904/217ISBN: 9787513084703Publisher: 北京:知识产权出版社 ,2023
积厚成势 : 中国司法的制度逻辑By: 何帆Call Number: D926/217ISBN: 9787516231531Publisher: 北京:中国民主法制出版社 ,2023
世界名案证据解密By: 何家弘Call Number: D915.130.5/1ISBN: 9787510936173Publisher: 北京:人民法院出版社 ,2023
变迁时代的刑法笃思 : 从概念诠释到坚守责任主义By: 赖隹文Call Number: D924.04/449ISBN: 9787307233829Publisher: 武汉:武汉大学出版社 ,2023
Textbooks for 1Ls