Textbooks & Course Materials
These are the selected textbooks and course materials that might be helpful to your study and research. Additionally, there are some other eBooks for extracurricular reading. The complete e-resource list is organized alphabetically so that you can view the resources by clicking the letters, while the resources for 1Ls will be listed individually.
- Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization, 2012-2013 Statutory Supplement (Textbook)By: William T. AllenISBN: 9781454818557Publisher: Aspen Publishers
- Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization (Textbook)By: William T. Allen & Reinier Kraakman& Guhan SubramanianISBN: 9781454813613Publisher: Aspen Publishers
- Civil Procedure (Textbook)By: Jack H FriedenthalISBN: 9780314232915Publisher: West Academic Publishing
- Civil litigation in comparative context (Textbook)By: Oscar Chase &Helen Hershkoff&ISBN: 9780314155962Publisher: West Academic Publishing
- Chow and Lee's International Intellectual Property, Problems, Cases, and Materials (Textbook)By: Daniel C.K. Chow,Edward S. LeeISBN: 9781683284147Publisher: West Academic Publishing
- China-Africa Dispute Settlement: The Law, Economics and Culture of Arbitration (Textbook)By: Won KidaneISBN: 9789041136749Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
- Cases and Materials on Sexuality, Gender Identity, and the Law (Textbook)By: Carlos Ball, Jane Schacter, Douglas Nejaime, William RubensteinISBN: 978-1634604123Publisher: West Academic Publishing
- Business associations : cases and materials on agency, partnerships, LLCs, and corporations (Textbook)By: William A. Klein, J. Mark Ramseyer, Stephen M. BainbridgeISBN: 9781609303495Publisher: Foundation Press
Textbooks for 1Ls