Textbooks & Course Materials
These are the selected textbooks and course materials that might be helpful to your study and research. Additionally, there are some other eBooks for extracurricular reading. The complete e-resource list is organized alphabetically so that you can view the resources by clicking the letters, while the resources for 1Ls will be listed individually.
- Sexuality, Gender, and the Law(Textbook)By: William Eskridge Jr., Nan Hunter, and Courtney JoslinISBN: 978-1634605298Publisher: Foundation Press
- Textbook on International Law (Textbook)By: Martin DixonISBN: 978-0199574452Publisher: Oxford University Press
- Sex Equality(Textbook)By: Catharine MackinnonISBN: 9781609304560Publisher: Foundation Press
- Sexuality, Gender, and the Law (Textbook)By: JR. Eskridge, William N&Nan D. HunterISBN: 9781587783357Publisher: Foundation Press
- Securities Regulation: Examples & Explanations(Textbook)By: Alan R. PalmiterISBN: 9780735599574Publisher: Aspen Publishers
- Selected basic documents related to the International Criminal Court(Textbook)By: Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court,ISBN: 9292272527Publisher: The Hague
- Securities Regulation: Cases and Analysis - 2(Textbook)By: Stephen Choi &Adam PritchardISBN: 9781599413808Publisher: Foundation Press
- Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials(Textbook)By: James D. Cox& Robert W. Hillman& Davis Donald C. LangevoortISBN: 9781454868392Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
Textbooks for 1Ls