Textbooks & Course Materials
These are the selected textbooks and course materials that might be helpful to your study and research. Additionally, there are some other eBooks for extracurricular reading. The complete e-resource list is organized alphabetically so that you can view the resources by clicking the letters, while the resources for 1Ls will be listed individually.
- 德国破产法ISBN: 978-7-5216-0995-0
- 法官思维模型带你破局
- 反垄断法实用指南By: 时建中编 戴龙编 焦海涛编ISBN: 978-7-5216-2768-8Publisher: 北京:中国政法大学出版社 ,2018
- 刑法学 . 下
- 刑法学 . 上ISBN: 978-7-5197-5801-1
- 信义法原理ISBN: 978-7-5118-8123-6
- 中国反行政垄断原理与实务指要
- 中国宪法By: 胡锦光著 韩大元著Call Number: D921.01/8.v4ISBN: 978-7-5197-2373-6Publisher: 北京:法律出版社 ,2018
Textbooks for 1Ls