Textbooks & Course Materials
These are the selected textbooks and course materials that might be helpful to your study and research. Additionally, there are some other eBooks for extracurricular reading. The complete e-resource list is organized alphabetically so that you can view the resources by clicking the letters, while the resources for 1Ls will be listed individually.
Water Services Disputes in International ArbitrationBy: Qian, XuEISBN: 9789403522111Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Tort Law: Principles in PracticeBy: Underwood, JamesEISBN: 9781454893868Publisher: Aspen Publishers
International Arbitration and ProcedureBy: Robert C. MorrisEISBN: 9780243705245Publisher: Forgotten Books
A Counsel's Guide to Examining and Preparing Witnesses in International ArbitrationBy: Harbst, RagnarEISBN: 9789041168085Publisher: Kluwer Law International
International Commercial Arbitration: Different Forms and their FeaturesBy: Giuditta Cordero-MossEISBN: 9781107331235Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Confidentiality in International Commercial ArbitrationBy: Smeureanu, Ileana M.EISBN: 9789041165077Publisher: Kluwer Law International
法律3.0 : 规则、规制和技术By: 毛海栋EISBN: 9787301338483Subject: Chinese Law
行政诉讼与国家赔偿审判理论与实务By: 王振宇EISBN: 9787510937613Subject: Chinese Law
Textbooks for 1Ls