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  • International Law Reports UTL Remote Access
    The only publication which is entirely devoted to the regular and systematic reporting of decisions of international courts and arbitrators, and judgments of national courts, in English.


  • Jus Mundi UTL Remote Access
  • JSTOR PKU-VPN UTL Remote Access
    Digital archive of over 200 scholarly journals in economics, business, anthropology, education, political science, history, and other non-legal fields. Articles are in PDF.


  • Kluwer Arbitration PKU-VPN UTL Remote Access
    KluwerArbitration.com is the world's leading online resource for international arbitration research. It contains a wealth of commentary from expert authors and an extensive collection of primary source materials.
  • Kluwer BOLD平台法律数据库 PKU-VPN UTL Remote Access
    Wolters Kluwer is a global provider of professional information, software solutions, and services in health, tax & accounting, ESG, finance, compliance, and legal. STL has purchased China Law reference, China Tax Accounting Reference, and China HR Reference.
  • Kluwer Law Online PKU-VPN UTL Remote Access
    Kluwer Law Online is your online gateway to Kluwer Law International publications. It contains their full collection of journals as well as an increasing selection of looseleafs, book series and books.


  • LegalTrac UTL Remote Access
    Index of articles from over 800 legal periodicals. Also includes law-related articles from more than 1,000 business and general interest periodicals. Coverage begins in 1980. The site provides users with different language interfaces, including Chinese.
  • Lexis Advance PKU-VPN UTL Remote Access
    Comprehensive legal research database. The link will direct you to the UTL page. Scroll down to the bottom and click the green button "Access Database" to reach the database. 
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