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  • Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals PKU-VPN UTL Remote Access
    Produced by the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) is the preeminent multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in more than 800 legal journals published worldwide.
  • Index to Legal Periodicals & Books, produced by the H.W. Wilson Company, provides indexing of 850 legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, bar association publications, university publications, and government publications.
  • International Law Reports UTL Remote Access
    The only publication which is entirely devoted to the regular and systematic reporting of decisions of international courts and arbitrators, and judgments of national courts, in English.
  • Investment Arbitration Reporter is an electronic news service tracking cross-border arbitrations between foreign investors and their host governments.
  • Investment Claims PKU-VPN UTL Remote Access
    Investment Claims is a regularly updated collection of materials and analysis used for research in international investment law and arbitration.
  • Investor-State LawGuide PKUSZ-VPN EasyConnect
    Investor-State LawGuide (ISLG)™ has mapped the world of investment treaty law by capturing the relationships between treaties, arbitral rules, cases and other key materials.
  • i-research 爱学术 Access via CARSI
    Extensive e-book library of foreign language materials from the world's leading publishers.
  • ICC Dispute Resolution Library PKUSZ-VPN EasyConnect
    The ICC Dispute Resolution channel allows you to keep up to date with the most recent publications and at the same time provides a searchable database of ICC Awards, Articles and Reports.
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