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On the Battlefield of Merit:
Harvard Law School, the First CenturyBy: Daniel R. Coquillette,Bruce A. KimballEISBN: 9780674089068Publisher: Harvard University PressSubject: History, Philosophy and Sociology of Law -
Misreading Law, Misreading DemocracyBy: Victoria NourseEISBN: 9780674974265Publisher: Harvard University PressSubject: Law General, Law and Legislation
Fables of the Law:
Fairy Tales in a Legal ContextBy: Daniela Carpi, Marett LeiboffEISBN: 9783110496680Publisher: De GruyterSubject: Law General, Law and Legislation -
Natural Law in Court:
A History of Legal Theory in PracticeBy: R. H. HelmholzEISBN: 9780674504592Publisher: Harvard University PressSubject: History, Philosophy and Sociology of Law -
Introduction to Law LibrarianshipBy: Zanada Joyner & Cas Laskowski, eds.Subject: Law General, Law and Legislation
Welcoming Ruin : The Civil Rights Act of 1875
欢迎毁灭:1875年的民权法案By: Alan Friedlander;Richard Allan GerberEISBN: 9789004384071Publisher: BrillSubject: Law General, Law and Legislation, Sociology -
Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858By: Abraham; et al. LincolnPublisher: Trustees of the Illinois State Historical LibrarySubject: Law General, Law and Legislation
保险法实务应用全书:操作要点与案例指引By: 寿宝金EISBN: 9787519731397Publisher: 法律出版社Subject: 保险合同 保险法 商法 研究 中国