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- 法律3.0 : 规则、规制和技术 = Law 3.0 : rules, regulation, and technologyBy: (英)布朗斯沃德著 毛海栋译Call Number: D956.121.7/1ISBN: 9787301338483Publisher: 北京:北京大学出版社
法律3.0 : 规则、规制和技术By: 毛海栋EISBN: 9787301338483Subject: Chinese Law
行政诉讼与国家赔偿审判理论与实务By: 王振宇EISBN: 9787510937613Subject: Chinese Law
许可合同By: [日] 椙山敬士 / [日] 高林龙 / [日] 小川宪久 / [日] 平岛竜太EISBN: 9787100219631Subject: Chinese Law
法官视域下的认罪认罚从宽制度By: 黄伯青、李杰文EISBN: 9787519773731Subject: Chinese Law
变迁时代的刑法笃思 : 从概念诠释到坚守责任主义By: 赖隹文EISBN: 9787307233829Subject: Chinese Law
世界名案证据解密By: 何家弘EISBN: 9787510936173Subject: Chinese Law
积厚成势 : 中国司法的制度逻辑By: 何帆EISBN: 9787516231531Subject: Chinese Law